Sunday Sketch-a-thon the Second

I went and did another Sunday Sketch-a-thon. Twice in three years is… something of a tradition, I suppose? Anyway, the basic idea is I take sketch requests on twitter, mostly to keep me practicing & working on the ability to draw quickly and effectively. Here’s what resulted… 1. Upgrades Well, okay, so this is not […]

A Well-Rounded Breakfast

Final Sunday Sketch-a-thon entry, for @jyotishkaray, or as I will always call him in my head, @OldMonkMGM: Still can’t draw hands. V

Rockstar Rhino

Third Sunday Sketch-a-thon request, from @mahnoorie: Quite generic, and horribly skewed, but not too bad. I got to test out a few ink techniques I’ve never tried. V

Don’t Hit Snooze

Second sketch request of tonight’s Sunday Sketch-a-thon. I like this one a lot better than the last one. 🙂 V

Adventures in Vampire Dentistry

T get out of a drawing funk, I’m doing another Sunday Night Sketch-a Thon. All the drawings will go into a single post tomorrow, but for now, here’s the sketches as I do them. The first is from @tantanoo, who requested: And here’s what I did. It’s HORRIBLE. But that is kinda the point of […]

Welcome Back to

The more things change, the more they stay the same. Welcome to again. Same-same, but different. New logo. Revamped Portfolio section. Comments are back (do leave one, say hello). Fewer pictures of me on a pink slide on the About page (I’m not sure if this is for the better). There’s still a bunch […]

#26Characters: H for Heckler

Growing up I didn’t have the ready access to new comics that most kids in more developed parts of the world did. Most of the ones I ended up reading were DC & Marvel stuff years out of date, fragments of larger stories I had no hope of being able to collect the full sets […]

7½ Food Lessons I Learnt in 2012

On the evening of December the thirty-first, two thousand & twelve, I was busy being a hermit and cooking dinner. Unlike the previous year, we’d decided to stay away from the hours-long metro lines & traffic jams that awaited all who ventured out that evening to catch the fireworks at the Burj Khalifa. I’ve never […]

#26Characters: G for Guybrush

Here, finally, is the next #26Characters post. When I started this project, one of the names on the list of characters pretty early on was that of Guybrush Threepwood, star of the Monkey Island series of games from LucasArts. The Secret of Monkey Island had a profound effect on me as a child. It was […]

A Bunch of Work from 2012

I did a whole bunch of work last year, most of which I didn’t blog about here. So here is a roundup of some of the good stuff that came out of my brain in twenty-twelve. Though I spent most of January & February in India, I was also working on The Sarcastic Voyage Guide […]

Resolutionary Thinking

A quick graze of your facebook, twitter, tumblr, or RSS reader will yield many webcomics & meme images on the futility of New Year’s Resolutions. There is much cynicism when the term is invoked, especially on the internet where meeting a given topic, concept or proper noun with anything but acid is seen as a […]

Lost Ideas


Somewhere in my latest pocket notebook, in the middle of the page, is a hastily scribbled note that reads:


It is both working title and brain bookmark to an idea for a short story that has been swimming in my head since at least the last week. It was an old idea, but the current form started kicking around in the gauzy background-noise imagination warehouse of my being after a sumptuously talky night out with a friend I hadn’t met in months. Some ideas come in a flash, must be written down, must be captured and nailed into pitifully short, scribbled notes in little notebooks. Others you only notice days or weeks after they’ve already arrived.

And all these ideas may never leave that little notebook page.

Sometimes I will come across an old notebook — or worse, an old To Do list — and see a single name for a writing project among the clutter of crossed-out drawing, email, work entries.


I will stare at it for a minute. The word will mean nothing to my conscious brain. But already in the back there will be the stirrings of a sense memory, the dull echo of the excitement I once felt for that word; a swirling of that gauzy background noise, but not a clue as to what that story or idea was actually about. Confetti strewn on an empty street. Once, that idea must have consumed me. I must have spent hours thinking about it, days planning to execute it, reveling in the clever little turns of plot & dialogue that raced through my brain. At some point I let whatever POLENDRON was slip from my brain, because beginning it wasn’t exciting any more. I may have even begun writing something with regards to it, but either forgot or moved onto another, newer scribble in my then-notepad.

I can complain all I want about never finishing anything, but it’s quite often that I never truly begin things. And when I look back at these things I can’t quite remember, I sometimes wonder if that’s for the best. I would like to imagine a world where I am either absolutely productive, putting to page every single idea I’ve had in immaculate, amazing finished pieces, or absolutely unburdened by these lost projects. I don’t know if I’d like to be the man at the party who never looks up from his smartphone because he’s writing a ripping yarn he thought up in the elevator, or the man at the party who says, “Oh yeah, I have stacks of unwritten novels. I’m a great writer. I have a whole lifetime career of books, if only I’d written them…*”

*(NOTE: I have definitely been this person. If you were on the receiving end, I apologise.)

In either extreme case, I would not be the person who was sitting with my friend that day talking about relationships and dating and expectations, and I would not then go home that night with the background noise necessary to scribble THE NUMBER OF BLONDES into my notepad the following day.

It is quite possible that THE NUMBER OF BLONDES will meet the same fate as POLENDRON. Today, tomorrow, the day after, I may think the premise too flimsy, too pretentious, the lack of an ending already set in stone uncomfortable, and easily set it back out into the noise, replace it with imagining what Star Wars Episode 7 will be like (Oh yes, that just happened). I shouldn’t bother, really, but the imagination always goes where it shouldn’t, and where it is most easily rewarded with the sugary nectar of something old & already well-thought out by somebody else. All the hard work done, just waiting for you to put your own genius spin on things.

But it’s also never yours to lose.