Welcome Back to allVishal.com


The more things change, the more they stay the same.

Welcome to allVishal.com again. Same-same, but different. New logo. Revamped Portfolio section. Comments are back (do leave one, say hello). Fewer pictures of me on a pink slide on the About page (I’m not sure if this is for the better). There’s still a bunch of old work to add to the Portfolio, and some other bits and bobs, but yeah, we’re open for business again.

If you’re new here, I’ve been doing this — this blogging thing as it has come to be called — for a very long time, and if you scroll back far enough on this very journal you will eventually end up there, at the beginning. When I first began blogging in 2001 — scatter-shot, smug, almost immediately abandoned — I didn’t realise that twelve years later I would still be at it in some form or the other. Twitter may have taken over some of my life, but blogging was always really where it was at.

Maybe you first read me on a number of badly-titled blogspot blogs about how I was going to be An Important Authorâ„¢ very soon.


Maybe you first read me when I mostly photoblogged and this thing was called iLevel.


Maybe you were here for the first iteration of allVishal.


Or for the first iteration of allVishal.com, when this started to be called the Journal.


Or when I messed up a few things, got inundated with spam, and couldn’t be arsed to fix it all, so hastily removed commenting (has it really been three years?) and made everything blue.

Regardless, you are here, and I am Vishal, and this site is all of me that is me (except for the bits that are elsewhere). Have a look around. I’ll be here.

By Vishal

I design & create beautiful, useful, and not-so-useful things that delight.