Two Kisses

As a proper artist, I only steal from the best. V

A Bunch of Work from 2013

I did less work than I would have liked in 2013. Various factors led to this, but mostly I spent the year either chasing client work that never came through, planning & putting work into personal projects that have yet to be realised (ahem, the webcomic, mostly), or actually enjoying myself with extended family. There […]

End of 2013 Mega Sketch-a-Thon! (Part 1)

In keeping with a tradition I’ve done… er, two or three times, sporadically, it’s time for another Sketch-a-thon! I set aside a whole weekend for this, and solicited sketch topics on both facebook & twitter. I got a ton, and am still working through most of them. But here’s the first eight. “Bear With Us” […]


Neanderthals, watching sexy, sleek, strange migrating homo sapiens saunter by. “I’d hit that,” one says, and she reaches for her club.

I’m Ignoring You, & it’s OK: Notes From a Year of Being Antisocial in Meatspace

It’s not you, it’s me. If you know me in real life but haven’t met me in person for months, or have met me sporadically this year, then here’s the reason: I actually am ignoring you. Not a specific ‘you’ — all of you. And we’re all better for it. I came back from a […]

Stop, Look, and Go

I should really stop doing this kind of thing. I sit, this evening, looking at a labyrinthine to-do list I’ve somehow whittled down to a manageable number of things to tackle over the next month. There are eight projects. Not eight individual nuggets of finished work, but eight separate large things, each with dozens of […]

Near Horizon

Leading the Witness – A Black & White Photo Essay

I should really not have forgotten about my compact camera. Since I’ve been quite prolific on instagram over the past year I have been neglecting my other cameras. Sure, the Pentax SLR gets trotted out quite often, but mostly it’s the smartphone camera that’s been doing the day-to-day shooting. An extra piece of kit to […]

House Bharadwaj, 4 am

I Have a Hat

As a rule, hats & sunglasses do not sit right on my strange noggin (this is the opposite of my father, on whom pretty much anything including a carefully-balanced plate of spaghetti looks completely normal). So when one does come along that doesn’t look like I’m trying to conceal a large ferret, I have vowed […]

Sunday Sketch-a-thon the Third

As promised (well, threatened) last week, I did another Sunday Sketch-a-thon this week, soliciting requests for quick & dirty sketches on twitter late last night. Requests quickly came in, each wackier than the last. Here’s the six I did: 1. Everyday Rangers Kim was the first to reply. She quickly amended her request to something […]


People who’ve known me for a long time know that, when I wasn’t threatening to be a Famous Authorâ„¢, I was threatening to make a webcomic. The idea of doing one has been around pretty-much since I first got on the internet, but either the lack of a good idea or a lack of motivation […]