The Ten Rupee Book Club 001

Stack of Ten Rupee Books 001
Over the past five years I’ve been amassing an eclectic collection of cheap used books on my trips to Bombay. At Rs.10 apiece (around $0.25 US) they aren’t expensive or significant (most of them are, in fact, the very opposite), but they are valuable to me, insomuch as they are weird — and I love weird. I have read very few of them; Of the hundreds (and by now, thousands), I have only finished a handful. There have been plans ever since I started blogging to talk about them, to read and review them, but this has so far not happened.

I was reminded of this recently when Dan blogged about his bookshelf, and in the comments I lamented that most of my books were in boxes (he suggested I just take a picture of the box). “That’s it,” I said to myself, “enough dawdling!” I looked through a small box of them and chose seven — none of which I have read — but which I think are interesting. Maybe this will give me the impetus to actually read some, but for now I will talk of their weird and wonderful subjects, their pretty and often breathtaking covers, and their all-round coolness. I hope you find them as fun as I do.

A Bit of Background

Used Booksellers 01Used Booksellers 02
India has a huge English-speaking population, especially in the cities. In a culture that values education and knowledge as much as we do, it stands to reason that books and reading are still a significant part of life (at least among the urban middle class). So nothing is thrown away, old books move from private collections into small neighbourhood libraries where they get read by thousands of people over dozens of years, and eventually when they’re tattered and worn, or riddled with worm holes, they end up in raddi.

‘Raddi’ literally means ‘scrap’ and raddi merchants deal in paper and other valuable things like copper and metals. They buy in bulk by weight, and pick and sort things by hand into various piles in their usually hole-in-the-wall shops. The loose paper ends up in things like newsprint, and single-side printed matter is cut and bound into cheap notepads, while some of it even ends up as sandwich wrapping from roadside vendors. It’s a fun game to read the scrap on which you get your sandwich; usually it’s some kind of internal documents from companies — memos and letters and photocopied invoices — and sometimes it’s even old school textbooks (which are crap anyway, so no big loss).


The books, however, are kept aside and resold. In raddi shops the price is not fixed and is negotiable; you choose a book, ask the vendor how much he wants for it; he inspects it and quotes something ridiculous (5-10 times what it’s worth) and then you haggle. In South Bombay where time is money and people just want to get from their office to the train station and vice-versa, things are a little more advanced, and in addition to the stack of negotiable old tomes, there will usually be a display of fixed price 10 Rupee books.

Remember, these people buy by weight, not title (and most of the hawkers don’t know English, but can read the words), so it’s quite common to find something you might pay a hundred rupees for just sitting in that pile because it’s too worn or the cover/author’s name is uninteresting. Many bargains are to be found. And below are just seven:

(Oh, and you can click on the front covers for larger versions)

1. Envoy to New Worlds/Flight From Yesterday

Envoy to New Worlds by Keith Laumer - Click to EmbiggenFlight From Yesterday by Robert Moore Williams - Click to Embiggen
Our first book is even greater value for money than the others, because it’s actually two books. Published by Ace Books’ ‘Ace Double’ imprint, this is two novels for the price of one. When you get to the end of one, just flip it over and continue reading! It’s a gorgeous format from a design point of view alone, and there were hundreds of these, including this which was published in 1963.

Of the two tales, Keith Laumer’s Envoy to New Worlds is significant because it marks the first appearance (in a novel) of Jame Retief, ‘The Machiavelli of Cosmic Diplomacy’ as it states on the cover. He’s apparently an intergalactic diplomat, a role modeled somewhat after the experiences of his author in the United States Foreign Service. Retief would go on to star in upwards of sixteen books. The absence of a back cover summary prevents me from making any guesses as to the plot of this first adventure (I’m guessing there will be diplomacy), but any cover that depicts a man who has descended from a ladder with a cape, a gun, and a cummerbund, has piqued my interest.

Not your average flip-bookOn the flip side (haw haw), the slightly less well-known Robert Moore Williams (his name is so plain he couldn’t have made it up) gives us Flight From Yesterday. ‘Yesterday in America, tomorrow in Atlantis’ the cover blurb reads. Surely, hey must be talking about lost airport luggage. No? Oh well. Keith Ard (‘es well ‘ard, I hope) is an unemployed test pilot who answers a mysterious classified ad and apparently meets up with vanishing men in togas (or is it vanishing togas?) and girls with literally flaming hair. If this is any kind of good SF, the man with the vanishing toga teaches him stuff, and he gets off with the truly hot hottie. If this is progressive SF, then the roles of the man and the girl are switched. Either way, Keith Ard!

The cover reminds me of The Phantom Tollbooth movie, which is one of the reasons this book caught my eye. Sadly, no artists are credited on either of the covers. The books themselves are slim (Flight From Yesterday is 120 small pages, 11 pages longer than its ‘book-mate’) and both have a certain charming brevity to the narrative. For instance:

“How’d you get this, Keith?” he asked.
“I was struck in the back by something that felt like a hot wind made in part of living electricity,” Keith said.
Dr. Riker made no comment.

I love old SF.

2. Mushrooms, Molds, and Miracles

Mushrooms, Molds and Miracles, by Lucy Kavaler - Click to EmbiggenMushrooms, Molds and Miracles, by Lucy Kavaler - Back Cover
To say that author Lucy Kavaler’s work is eclectic would be an understatement. Anybody who writes books called The Private World of High Society, The Artificial World Around Us and The Wonders of Algae deserves to be taken seriously, and by all accounts, Mushrooms, Molds, and Miracles is a very well received and regarded book. It covers everything from fungi as miracle foods and medicines to yes, even hallucinogens and extra terrestrial speculations. The writing style is a perfect mix of conversational and academic; not shying away from big words when it needs to, but eschewing them when something simpler will suffice.

Mushroom book interiorIf it still aren’t convinced, here’s the first section of the back cover copy:

Martinis and the secret of heredity, Penicillin and The Angel of Death, Truffles and L.S.D., the Irish Potato Famine and the Fall of the Roman Empire, Astronauts, Gourmets, Scientists, and Indian Medicine Men
What does this wildly assorted list have in common? The answer is Fungi.

How could I not pick this book up?

3. A Dictionary of Geography

A Dictionary of Geography by W.G. Moore - Front Cover - Click to EmbiggenA Dictionary of Geography by W.G. Moore - Back Cover
All this talk of mushrooms should get you in the mood for the great outdoors, yearning to fulfill that romantic ideal of going out into the nearest wood and poking around under a rotting tree bark. It might help, therefore, to have a handy guide to tell you the difference between a gryke and a gulch; to be able to properly interpret the hachures on your map and to watch out for precarious talus.

Geography book interiorAll these and more things can be found in the Revised an Enlarged edition of Penguin’s A Dictionary of Geography by W.H. Moore. This surprisingly weighty paperback does exactly what it says on the cover, and even has a bunch of pretty black and white pictures in the middle. It’s fun enough if you are a closet geography nerd like me, but is also useful as an idea mine (there are several terms I’m going to steal for story titles already). We’ve all been at a dinner party where we’ve needed to know the difference between a Mercator’s Projection and a Sanson-Flamsteed Sinusoidal one, haven’t we? Well now we can be ignorant no longer.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to the top of that there drumlin to see if I can spot that dingle I’ve been trying to find all day.

4. Our Language

Our Language by Simeon Potter - Front Cover - Click to EmbiggenOur Language by Simeon Potter - Back Cover
Big words scare people. It’s the truth. But big words needn’t scare you any more after you’ve read (Prof.) Simeon Potter’s Our Language. The beautiful Romek Marber cover was enough to convince me to buy this book long before I opened it. Its ambition of telling the history, structure, dialectic branches, trends and future of the English Language (also known as ‘Merican’), and that too in only 200 pages, sealed the deal.

Our language book interiorThis is the kind of book that publishers seemed to just pop out on a lark back in the 1950s and 60s, and is now unjustly forgotten. They do not make them like this anymore. Here’s something that doesn’t claim to have the answer to everything, is not a trendy pop-culture phenomenon, the latest gee-whiz-ain’t-it-spiffy nonfiction breeze that gets blogged to death and launches a thousand speaking tours (even though I greatly respect and love things like Tipping Point and Freakonomics). It’s just a simple, well-researched, intelligent account of a subject, and we’re all busy reading about Britney’s navel grit.

Shame on you, human race.

5. Teen-Age Vice/Designs in Scarlet

Teen-Age Vice or Designs in Scarlet by Courtney Ryley Cooper - Front Cover - Click to EmbiggenTeen-Age Vice or Designs in Scarlet by Courtney Ryley Cooper - Back Cover
Speaking of the human race…

Oh, where do I begin? This 1939 (but 1957 edition) book is so deliciously cheesy. Told in a Bob-Woodward-channeling-Raymond-Chandler style, only bad, it apparently took Cooper eighteen months of “relentless, coast-to-coast personal investigation to ferret out the facts. If you are shocked by what he found, remember — he meant you to be.”(!) — this from the inside flap.

The entire book is like this. I should probably point out here that the author started his career as a clown, and at the time of his suicide in 1940 was the chief publicist for a circus. Of course, nothing I could say about this book could match the back cover copy, so I’ll just let it do the talking:

teen-age vice interiorWhat makes them do it?
Who is to blame?

They hold orgies in cellar clubs, go on juke-joint “honeymoons.” They get hopped up on liquor and dope, then rob and rape and murder. They are the young people under 21 who commit more than half the major crimes in the U.S.A.

Inspired by J. Edgar Hoover, director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Courtney Ryley Cooper gives you the grim and tragic answers in this brilliant and blistering exposé of TEEN-AGE VICE.

…To paraphrase Renée Zellwegger, “You had me at ‘Hoover.'”

6. Cool Kids with Hot Ideas

Cool Kids with Hot Ideas by Jules Archer - Front Cover - Click to EmbiggenCool Kids with Hot Ideas by Jules Archer - Back Cover
Likewise, this book had me the second I saw its cover. No, I’m not just talking about the naked girl on the bike (although it is a well-posed photo, and she isn’t bad either). The cover design is remarkable, though entirely uncredited (and in a rare instance, they paid attention to the back too. Cover, that is). I routinely pick up books I have no interest in if the cover is particularly good. Being a graphic designer (with the emphasis on graphic), strong stark covers like these have always appealed to me over today’s wispy, layered and overworked Photoshop monstrosities.

cool kids with hot ideas interiorThe text itself is a lot less sensationalist than the cover would have you believe; certainly, it’s not as SHOCKING(!) as Teen-Age Vice. A compilation of articles, Cool Girls… may have lost its edge when viewed from our media-saturated times. Perhaps, in 1968, this boook chronicled the kind of shocking behaviour people associated with fringe sorts like hippies and beatniks, not ordinary teenage daughters. Most stories deal with unplanned pregnancies, unwed mothers, and illegal abortions (remember, Roe Vs Wade only happened in 1973). The others deal with drugs and teenage prostitution, and none of them are made to look sexy.

It’s interesting that a book with such an unabashedly titillating cover disguises what is fairly straightforward, even depressing, content. I could go on and on about how news has always been latently pornographic, but that’s another story. This book is the perfect example of ‘Don’t Judge a Book by its Cover.’

But what a cover.

7. How to Build Your Cabin or Modern Vacation Home

How to Build Your Cabin or Modern Vacation Home, by Harry Walton - Front Cover - Click to EmbiggenHow to Build Your Cabin or Modern Vacation Home, by Harry Walton - Back Cover
“Enough!” I hear you say, “all this teenage vice is too much for anyone to take. Can’t we talk about those nice mushrooms or sexy dingles again?”

Well, sure, I’d love to, and if you do want to chuck it all and move to the farthest wood, it would be a good idea to have some place to live when you go there. The first thing that strikes you about this Popular Science Skill Book (other than the splendid Bauhaus cover by Frederick Charles) is the little note on the inside that says it’s printed on 100% recycled paper. Somehow I never imagined that people highlighted that fact before the 1980s.

How to Build a Cabin InteriorThis is an honest to goodness 160 page attempt to teach you how to build a cabin. It’s pretty successful too, and I have little doubt that a person of average intelligence might actually end up with a functioning home in the woods if he used it as a rough guide. The genius of the book lays in the fact that it doesn’t just show you ‘four methods of supporting rafters on top plates in gable-roof construction’, but also covers things like ‘how to develop a spring’ (as a reliable water source), how to choose a site for your home in the hills, and an overview of the tools you might use (of chainsaws it says: “Gas-powered chainsaw speeds log-cabin building. It is strictly for outdoor use.“).

My favourite part has to be an early chapter showcasing classic and avant-garde cabin designs to inspire you. I have half a mind to buy a plot of land and try one out, but I think I’ll start in miniature with ice-cream sticks. The fun doesn’t stop there, though; the back cover gives the names of several related titles, including How to Work with Concrete and Masonry (for my closet brutalist, of course) and How to Build Your Own Furniture (I’m also vaguely intrigued by How to Do Your Own Wood Finishing by Jackson Hand, but only so that I can giggle like a schoolboy).

How to Build Your Cabin or Modern Vacation Home is strange; it’s set up almost exactly like every book on drawing I have ever seen or purchased, only at the end of it you get a house. How cool is that?

In Conclusion

Used Booksellers
I hope you’ve enjoyed this short trip through a little corner of my book collection. Even though I didn’t look through the majority of them, there were enough good ones that I was spoilt for choice, and could even group them by theme. This first one was a pick-and-mix of strangeness to whet the appetite, an amuse-bouche for your bibiomaniacal palette.


Neat stack of books.

Comic Konga! #005: Things I Learnt From CK!

Well, Comic Konga's done.
Um, make that Comic Konga! (officially)
I've learnt a lot this past week...
Don't squander a whole week of prep time playing Gran Turismo
Don't attempt a comic event the same week you're supposed to deliver a project
Sex jokes are easy, but they aren't very funny
Computer copy and paste can be very useful...
but don't count on it
Also, I've learnt that I can tell stories okay, but not jokes. I'm not a stand-up comedian
I still can't really draw. Miles to go before I rest
Don't get me wrong; I don't conisder Comic Konga! a failure.
I've had more fun this past week than I've had in a long while.
I love making comics, and I'll continue making them for the rest of my life (or at least next Tue)
Hey! I never did a Super Monkey strip like I planned! Oh well...
next time, dude.
Super monkey says ook.


It’s been a heck of a week.

Comic Konga! didn’t go quite as smoothly as planned, but it was a lot of fun, and a real learning experience. I just hope you guys enjoyed the work I did here, and didn’t mind the posting schedule (or rather the lack of one).

There will be another Comic Konga! in the future. I don’t want to turn it into a monthly affair, but a few times a year seems like it would work. I guess I should spend the time between now and then getting better at drawing and comic making.

Oh, and it’s November, right? I think I mentioned something about writing a lot of fiction… hmm.



Comic Konga! #004: Dugongaloola

Hello, Humans
I'm still miffed about that whole mermaid thing, you know.
I can understand, of course; lonely sailors out at sea for months on end, nothing pretty in sight.
It's enough to drive a dolphin fishy.
Only natural that sailors slapped the top half of a human thing on my kind and started masturbating.
Guess they weren't leg men.
Oh, it's not the first time something like this has happened...
But then, you lot have forgotten all the legends of the Randy Sexcrabs, haven't you?


How could I resist?

This was a real quickie: the dugong art is for something else, and wouldn’t you know it, while I was doing that all sorts of questions started popping up in my head regarding mermaid legends.

Done entirely in inkscape. The font is Coolvetica by Ray Larabie, which, incidentally, is also the font ‘’ is usually presented in.


Comic Konga! #003: Dracunerd Lands a Hottie

I know what you're thinking
This is new for me too
I'm not usually this impulsive.
You're beautiful.
You are a girl ...right?


Consider this a sequel, of sorts, to a sketch I did a while back. Another quickie; this time I even vectorised the sketch lines, and did it all in inkscape. Gives the blacks a nice rough, cheap old comic print look to them, which I like.

Argh, I have no idea what to do tomorrow, I have a whole calendar to illustrate in less than a week, and I just remembered that November starts tomorrow and I should start writing!

Happy Halloween, everybody.


Comic Konga! #002: Into the Wild

A Bird sits on a catapult
The bird flies off as two hands reach up to the grasp the lip of the bowl
a naked man wearing a swimming cap hoists himself up to the catapult bowl
He flops into the bowl
He gazes out into the distance, one hand on the catapult release
ZWANG! The catch is released and the catapult fires
Meanwhile an elephant lazily muches on some food
THWIP! Ooh baby...


Um, so this idea has been floating around my head for a few years (which, come to think of it, explains a lot about the last few years). Originally I thought I might do it as a short animation, but I never got around to it. This version for Comic Konga is just pencils on paper; if I hadn’t spent the evening watching Anurag Kashyap’s No Smoking I probably would have had time to do a better version, or at least an inked and coloured one.

I think this gets things across okay (pun firmly intended).


Comic Konga! #001: Mister Savant Takes Xaria to the Furniture Store

Um, actually I can't think of an explanation that isn't...lewd.

Comic Konga has begun!

I figured I’d start out simple with a one-panel. My first idea was to have the same idea done over three or four panels but I think the joke doesn’t really need anything more than one.

This was done in pencil, coloured in inkscape and put together in the GIMP. Word balloons in Inkscape. It’s a bit of a fractured process, I know, but I prefer the quick flexibility of laying down colour shapes in a vector program but need the layer manipulations of a bitmap one like GIMP to keep it looking natural.

(Yes, I know it’s 4 am. Still technically Monday, though)

Announcing Comic Konga!

Comic Konga LogoSo the other day, in the comments section of The Future of Human Transportation, Spyder challenged me (and others) to a ‘comic-off’ — a comics festival of sorts. We’d each do five comics over five days. I accepted of course, but work — o wonderfully banal, low paying work! — reared its head and I couldn’t jump right into it. I figure this is a blessing in disguise for us as well as you, dear reader(s).

Being the delusional brandsmith that I am, I figured an august venture such as this should have its own silly name and stupid logo, so I rechristened it Comic Konga!… um, that’s the second name I though of (Comic Orgy is something I’m reserving for another time, hehe). Read on for more astounding details!

The Basics

Comic Konga! is a little event where you and me and everyone we know posts five short comics over the course of five days. Think of it like a film festival or a jam session, only with people showing off their comics on their blogs or other online spaces. We’ll start on Monday, the 29th of October and so it will end on Friday, 02 November 2007.

There aren’t many rules — this isn’t one of those ultrahardcore endurance races where you have to finish every comic in twenty-seven seconds with one hand tied behind you — but I think a few guidelines should be stated here to keep things clear and running smoothly:

– There’s no easy definition for comic strips (just like pornography, we know it when we see it), but single-panel, multi-panel and even multi-page entries are fine (and good luck to you strong sir/madam/robot if you attempt the last type.

– Comics can be presented in the medium of the artist’s choice. This means everything from hand-drawn doodles to 3D models, photographs, origami, sculpture, collage etc. etc. can be used to create your comic.

You may collaborate with others in the creation of your comics. Just make sure you do covers before somebody’s wife breaks you two up, ‘hear?

Please don’t use anyone else’s copyrighted material unless you have permission or they’re free to use. This means photos and artwork and characters and anything else. It’s stupid and you can get into trouble. It’s only a comic, man.

The comics you present may be worked on or even be completed before the 29th. I only ask that you post them — one per day — between next Monday and Friday. So you have a little under a week’s head start: get cracking!

The comics should be self-contained. This means that if you’re doing, say, five strips that lead into one another, I’d appreciate it if the story concluded in #5. It doesn’t matter if you’re using characters from your existing strip or whatever, I just want some closure. Ooh, closure…

– And yes, you can do five completely unrelated comics. I plan to.

– We don’t have any fancy-schmancy registration forms, forums or mailing lists this time, so if you wish to participate in Comic Konga! please leave a comment in this post with your details, especially the address of the blog (or DeviantART or Flickr site or what have you) where you will be posting your work. I won’t be hosting any comics on this site except my own, but if you don’t have a blog it’s very easy to set one up.

You are responsible for your own content and any kooky repurcussions. Don’t blame me if some kid sues you for telling people Santa isn’t real in your comic… oops.

Fees & Prizes

There are NO FEES and NO PRIZES, except my undying gratitude and eternal love.


Misc. Stuff

Let me just say that I’d love to see people who don’t or haven’t ever made comics participate in Comic Konga! It doesn’t matter if you don’t know how to draw, go to YotoPhoto, get some royalty-free pictures and put word balloons on them. Or take pictures of yourself and miscellaneous friends and loved ones (I am not responsible for your friends and loved ones hating your guts as a result, mind you). Hey, it works for comics like A Softer World.

(btw, Wikipedia has an excellent list of public domain image resources)

Even if you want to doodle stuff on post-its or MSPaint, that’s okay too.

I’d love to see people try out new stuff. If you’ve had a funky comic idea sitting in your brain for a while but haven’t got around to it, do one for Comic Konga!. If you only use Photoshop or the GIMP but really like that clean vector look lately, try to make a comic in Inkscape — it’s FREE!

Entertain me. Entertain us.

Go on, then.

(If you have any more questions — or just want someone weird to bombard you with prolix 2,000 word emails about crap when you send a simple “What’s up?” message — drop me a line at allvishal (at) gmail (dot) com. I can’t wait til next monday!)


The Future of Human Transportation

Let's talk about the Future
Everybody talks about the future of cars...
Pfft! Let's talk about the future... of movement itself!
The Future (featuring Rockets, Observatories & Robot Apartments
Everyone is sexy in the future...


...except Indians, of course.
...Me? Oh, well there's and exception to every rule, y'know. (I'm a force of nature...)
Anyway; Shopping is still very popular in the future...

The Malls are bigger, but the people are more unfit. In the mid 21st century, the leading cause of human death was... Mall Fatigue.
Strangely enough, the solution to this problem had existed for decades!
The Baby Carrier!
22nd Century Robotics met 21st Century Laziness, with stunning results!


Behold... the Personal Transport Robot!
Peters are everywhere...
Peters playing in the park (holy alliteration!)
Two Peters at a urinal. Please wash your hands!

They literally build themselves...
...and get 8 miles to the gallon!
Road Rage is still all the rage...
Only now it's a little more exciting


All this 'Assisted Transportation' has made Humanity even more lazy and unfit!
In the 22nd century, the leading cause of death is... Attempted Fornication!
O, cruel Fate! People are sexier than they've ever been, but nobody's gettin' any sex!!!
...except Indians, of course.


Like most truly great ideas, this comic started off as idle chit-chat over the phone. A few months ago a friend and I were talking about the people who park on the sidewalk at the mall even though there’s plenty of parking nearby, and that, given the option, they would take their Range Rovers inside the mall itself and drive around the aisles of the Hypermarket. We talked about the rising number of five-to-ten year olds we see being carted around in prams (or strollers as some call them), and how we were never considered so delicate by our parents and had to walk around just like them (to no ill effects, I might add). My gears started turning, of course, considering the future of Human Laziness, and thus the idea of giant robot baby carriers for adults was born.

We’ve already seen people come up with personal transport; the Segway is probably the most famous and visible — indeed, one mall here in Dubai uses them to transport security guards (the same mall also has a golf-cart shuttle service to take people along its length). Recently at the 2007 Tokyo Motor Show, a couple of personal transport concepts (from Suzuki and Toyota) rekindled my robot transport idea, and figured it would make a good comic.

I didn’t really decide on a page count for this, figuring that perhaps like last time it would only take two pages. Indeed, had I stuck solely to the robots it may have been, but I think the other stuff about the consequences of Human Laziness are worth the extra page. I wondered if it might come out to two-and-half pages or some odd amount, but luck was on my side and it comes in at three pages even (of 8 panels each).

This time when pencilling the comic I put in more shading in the pencils themselves, but it’s still rough. I coloured it in inkscape but integrated those colours with the pencils in the GIMP (instead of vector-tracing the pencils or inking them seperately). I did it on the new laptop, mostly to see how the colours translate across monitors. On my net computer’s wonky monitor it looks very dark and some of the text isn’t well defined. It looked fine on the laptop which, I assume, is closer to most people’s experience, but if any of it doesn’t look right to you please tell via a comment below.

There are a couple more comic ideas floating around my head of a similar nature (i.e. with ‘me’ narrating) but I don’t know when that will be done. It depends on how fired up I am about them or if, like with this one, something shows up (the Tokyo Auto Show concepts) to remind me of it.


Of Girls and Pirates

Girls are neat-o
They're like men, only with boobies & irrational mood swings.
Girls like other girls because the can go shopping together
Boys don't like other boys because they're all poopyheads.
Except if they're pirates, in which case they're awesome.
awesome pirate
I would go shopping with a pirate even though he's a boy
First of all, he wouldn't call it 'shopping' -- he'd call it 'plundering'
We'd go to the mall in his bitchin' galleon
we wouldn't use the door
we'd buy t-shirts with ironic slogans on them
Then we'd totally plunder a slurpie
Sigh... I wish I knew a pirate...
Girl Pirate
Arr -- The End.


Good things usually come from comment threads on Dan’s blog. Usually these discussions include Elephant Porn and other high arts, but in a recent open thread the basic script of this came up as a comment (or three) by me. Almost instantly I thought it would make a good comic, and decided to attempt it the minute Spyder pointed out that today (the 19th) would be International Talk Like a Pirate Day. How could I resist?

Truth be told, this was actually going to be my rough sketch for the comic, and was done in my little notebook. I had intended to do it on a bigger sheet of paper, but by the time 4am rolled around I abandoned that idea. It was coloured, as usual, in the GIMP.

MY backside is aching from sitting in this chair all day wrestling with the graphics tablet, and I’m sure that over the next few days several aches and pains will show up, but all of those have been nullified in advance by the huge grin on my face. I hope you enjoy reading this comic as much as I did making it; it’s probably the first finished one I’ve done since, well, 1993, I think (it was called Super Monkey, of course).

Far too long to have stayed away from a medium I love so much. It won’t be another 14 year wait for the next one.