Mr. Savant Tries to Smile a Bit, and Searches For a Missing Lunch Ingredient

Mr Savant Tries to Smile a Bit - Gimp colored

More catching up! I drew this on paper last September, on an A4 sheet using a light blue marker for the sketch, and then various black pens to lay down inks. The good thing about this method is that you can then scan the piece in grayscale mode and any amount of rough sketch lines magically disappear! (You can see this in the sketch version below)

Colored in the Gimp, of course, using a woefully-neglected graphics tablet. Actually there was a fourth figure in this, but it was so horribly drawn (a last minute add to fill up the page) that I decided to erase her from the colored version. This is what the original page looked like:

Mr Savant Tries to Smile a Bit - Sketch

Another image I’d done early in the year also features our lovable interdimensional tourist, and involved food, of a sort. I just realised I hadn’t posted it here on the site:

Savant Chicken Monster

I should really be drawing a whole lot more.


Slackwritertron!: The Cure for the Common Block

Slackwritertron! The Cure for the Common Block - Logo and Slogan
Well, I’d love to say that I spent the last week recovering from Comic Konga! lounging aboard my superyacht, but alas, such things were not to be. In fact, I only finished off the last of the work projects — weeks late, mind you — today. There’s a certain empty space reached at the end of a project; I’m stil into it when it goes out the door, and then I’m left with a burning desire to do, well, something but I’m never sure what.

And then, I remembered: Slackwritertron!

Mind you, this exercise is really more of a break from work rather than something I’d do instead of it. Writing has so far never been something I’d consider doing full time (mostly because I’m a scatterbrain). It is very important, though, because I find that when I’m writing — fiction especially, no matter what its quality is — it acts as a kind of lubricant for the rest of my work. It’s no coincidence that the past few years have sucked creativity-wise for me, because I haven’t really been writing.

So, Slackwritertron! (I really should stop coming up with things that have exclamation points at the end… ! ) It’s a bit like NaNoWriMo in that it’s a mad dash to wordcount, but it’s also for those of us (um, me) who can’t really be arsed to finish it all in November.

The goal is simple: At least fifty thousand words of fiction between now and December 31st, 2007.

It doesn’t matter what I write to get there, simply that I write. I have far too many halfway done projects on the burner that I couldn’t, in good conscience and just for sanity’s sake, do NaNoWriMo and start a whole new novel (which I probably wouldn’t finish). I don’t think of this as a group project, really — it’s just something I’m going to do — but if you wish to show solidarity you can copy down the logo image and participate too.

I’ll be popping in every few days with updates on word counts, which stories those words are going into, plot traps and continuity conundrums etc. You know, finally using the Journal for real, honest journalgiri. It’ll mostly be pretentious navel-gazing, of course. You have been warned. Here’s what I’ll be working on

1. Fishbowl

This is a Savant story I started back in March with no delusions of grandeur, just a scene in a room that might one day have made it into a story. Then some time later Jamie asked me to write a story involving a few story elements of his choice. Strangely enough, that first scene flowed perfectly into them, and Fishbowl was born. I worked on it a fair deal over the summer, plugging in scenes from throughout the story as they came to me, but haven’t touched it for a while.

The more I think of it the more I realise that it will be a long story, and I’m probably a third or a quarter of the way into it. I sent out a short bit of this — 3700 words — to friends a while ago and they seemed to like it. It was much less than was written at the time, but that was the only complete scene. This will probably be my primary focus of Slackwritertron (oh, to hell with you, exclamation mark!) until its done.


“…All I’m proposing,” Suvan was saying as I entered the kitchen (just after Sophie), “is that we should spread our drinking runs out through the three days so that we don’t end up with a massive hangover!”

“So we just have several little ones?” Corsair asked.

“He means we should try and stay sober for extended periods of times,” Astral said.

“Why would you want to do a stupid thing like that?” Corsair asked with mock-horror.

“Nobody’s getting drunk!” Sophie shouted. The others were startled enough by her voice echoing across the long kitchen to make Pyntaillion’s wings go halfway into her ‘threatened’ stance, and make Syro jump out of his seat. She strode confidently, me in tow, across the length of the room to the dinner table at the other end of the kitchen.

“I demand an explanation for such disturbing statements,” Corsair said, this time with real horror icing his face.

“We’re going on a trip,” Sophie said.

Currently: 12,666 words.
In the end: I would have said 20K at the beginning, but now it may be more like 30 or 40. A novella, I suppose.

2. Sundari

This is the project I started for Script Frenzy last June. It’s supposed to be a movie script, but by now it’s run away with itself and is more like a miniseries. On the surface it’s a loose — very loose — adaptation of Beauty & the Beast but, as the name implies, with more of an Indian spin on things. Don’t worry, I don’t plan on having people break into extravagant song and dance numbers at the drop of a roomaal (mostly because it would be hell to write on a page). It’s more DC Vertigo than Yash Raj.

I’m not writing this in a traditional movie script format (though Roughdraft, my word processor of choice, does have a nice screenplay mode) because I know that what I write now will not be the final version. I’m doing it as a kind of loose present tense story, a treatment. It works for me, and during Slackwritertron it will serve as an ‘antidote’ of sorts to Fishbowl and other stories. When I’m writing Savant stories especially, the voice — his voice — needs to be in there from the beginning, so even the roughest of drafts is more complete and has more thought put into it than most people say you should in a first draft. With Sundari I don’t need to worry about that since it’s going to eventually be in a visual medium anyway (comics, maybe, when my drawing improves). This resulting text is a lot rougher, more like free writing now and then. It’s not a pretty read at all, but it works and I should use this method more often.


Hansika, out of breath, and crying, stumbles up to the fountain at the base of the slope near her house, and collapses against the wall. She sobs. The gently smiling stone form of Vidria looms above her, its gaze skywards, looking at the moon.

A sound; the guttural breath of a monster, or a horse, and the clap of quiet hoofs on cobbled stone. Hansika starts, a final tear running down her cheek. From the darkness of an alley near the statue, someone — something — watches her.

“Who’s there?” she asks, with not a hint of fear, and no trace that she’s just been crying. She pushes herself back against the fountain wall and gets to her feet. She peers into the darkness of the alley, and hears the feet of whatever’s there skitter over the stones.

Hansika slowly walks up to the dark alley, passing under the hot pool of the street lamp. “Is anyone there? Show yourself!” She reaches the boundary of the light, and in the darkness she barely makes out a large black form.

Immediately she raises her right fist and mutters a spell. Her hand flashes with light and bathes the alley in yellow light just as we hear the swoosh of something departing.

The alley is empty, save for some rag-covered boxes. A ginger striped cat leaps silently onto one, then mews, flashing its silver-coin eyes eyes at Hansika, and leaps up onto a small wooden balcony.

Hansika lowers her hand and extinguishes the light. “Always a cat,” she mutters to herself. She’s wipes her tears away, sighs, and walks to the road that leads up to her home.

The cat jumps up to the roof of the building, and mews again at its occupant. The Beast crouches silently on the roof. It quickly turns to look at the cat with its glowing eyes. The cat pads up to it, unafraid, and to the edge of the roof. The beast collects it in one of its massive palms, and strokes the back of the cat with one of its fingers, breathing a strange sound that is almost a lullaby. It watches Hansika walk up the hill, and then looks at the moon with a sigh.

Currently: 20,100 words.
In the end: It’s very difficult to say. When this was still a movie script, the part of the story I’ve reached would have come at the fifteen minute mark of a two or two-and-a-half hour movie. Of course, in the writing of it, a lot more material has been added and now what I’ve written so far would probably fit in two or three issues of a comic. In the end it may be hundreds of thousands of words long. And that’s just the treatment…

3. Other Short Stories

Last February when I went on vacation (*sniff*) I gave the old mp3 player to my cousin. I’d kept a backup of my writing folder on that, and a few days after my return she asked if I still wanted it there, and if I would mind if she read any of the things. She was quickly disappointed that a lot of the stories in there stopped abruptly — they’re unfinished — and I asked her for a list of ones that she would like to see completed.

There are about forty of them, of varying lengths. Some of them are self-contained shorts. Some are stories from greater universes such as the old Vampyres & Daemons stuff, and there’s one that would probably have ended up being a novel or three. There’s even one Savant short — 99.99% — that is really self-contained and has since fallen hopelessly ‘out of canon’ but I might be able to pull something out of it.

The problem I face with some of them is that they were started six or seven years ago. This was before I started doing general outlines for stories before I attempted them, and in a few cases I have a vague recollection of where the story would eventually go. Some of them, I’ve plain forgotten. This isn’t so much of a problem as a challenge. Looking at them now, with fresh eyes, I can pick up hints of ways I may have wanted things to go, or even come up with entirely new ways of finishing things. Some of them will work better as comics, I think — a story called Brass Pyjamas springs to mind — and I may attempt that, but first I want to write them down as stories.

I’ll probably save these for after Fishbowl. I’m a scatterbrain, but even I have limits.


“I wouldn’t want your calf to have putrid dung,” Siddarth now called to the brown bovine by the neem tree. He then wondered if the neem wasn’t driving the insects away, as neem trees are wont to do.

“Who were you talking to?” Sapna asked, setting the steaming parcel, made of banana leaves, on the veranda near him.

“Apsara,” he pointed.

“Cows don’t talk.”

“So you say.”

“True.” She sat and the cow decided to join them, though she brought her own breakfast along and was busy masticating.

Idli,” Sapna said, unwrapping the parcel of rice cakes.

“Again…” Siddarth mumbled.


“Oh, Again!” Siddarth checked himself and answered with glee. He picked one of the white discs up and fiddled with it.

“What’s wrong?” Sapna asked, pecking at an idli.

“It’s nothing,” Siddarth said.

“We’ve been married three months,” Sapna reminded, “don’t tell me it’s ‘nothing’ or I’ll turn it into something.”

“Do you think it’s proper for a woman’s husband to be sitting around on a cold, drippy morning in his underwear while she’s fully clothed? What would someone say if they came round here?”

“What would people say if it was the other way round?” she replied, and smiled.

(from the aforementioned Brass Pyjamas)

Currently: Tens of thousands of words, cumulatively.
In the end: Probably a couple of hundred thousand.

Onward & Upward

I’d love to say that I’ll be writing every day, but that’s probably not going to happen. I will try, of course, because there’s enough times in any given day when I’m slacking off and could be doing something productive. There will be times when I just. can’t. write. and I hope those are few and far between, if not entirely nonexistant. I look forward to writing fiction at a good clip again. Hell, I’ve been looking forward to it for years now. When Fishbowl is done I will make the first draft available to read. Not on the site, mind you, but you can drop me an email. Same goes for the other shorts, but given its raw nature, I’d like to keep Sundari to myself for a while. You never know, I may suddenly turn into a comic art genius, and I’d love to show you the story as I imagine it — in a visual medium.

Of course, I may end up taking to the ‘slack’ rather than the ‘write’ in Slackwritertron, and not complete anything, but really now I have no excuses. The’re a laptop that actually works (unfortunately it also plays Half-Life 2 really well). The lure of Gran Turismo and an untouched copy of Final Fantasy X-2 notwithstanding (and, y’know, pr0n), there aren’t as many distractions as there used to be (we unplugged the cable. TV is a distant memory. I don’t miss it). There is that last Harry Potter book I have yet to finish, and I’m somewhat reluctant to read it while I’m concurrently writing lest it filter through into my prose in some kind of weird Opal Mehta way, but that really shouldn’t be a problem.

I can’t write for shit anyway.


Comic Konga! #001: Mister Savant Takes Xaria to the Furniture Store

Um, actually I can't think of an explanation that isn't...lewd.

Comic Konga has begun!

I figured I’d start out simple with a one-panel. My first idea was to have the same idea done over three or four panels but I think the joke doesn’t really need anything more than one.

This was done in pencil, coloured in inkscape and put together in the GIMP. Word balloons in Inkscape. It’s a bit of a fractured process, I know, but I prefer the quick flexibility of laying down colour shapes in a vector program but need the layer manipulations of a bitmap one like GIMP to keep it looking natural.

(Yes, I know it’s 4 am. Still technically Monday, though)

Norton and Fenroy’s Most Excellent Used Book Dealership

Savant Booksellers SketchThe further illustrated (and mundane) adventures of Mister Savant! Still after books, this time he seems to be negotiating the price on a tome. Typical, the man is so obsessed with cheap and obscure paperbacks when he should be trying to get his hosts to part with their hats!

This drawing started off in my 15x18cm notebook with a vague idea in my head late one night, and so I ended up tackling it a little differently. I didn’t thumbnail or roughly draw in the entire scene, instead finishing the pencils on one character entirely and then moving onto the next.

The result is apparent (to me at least); the quality and styles of the figures vary wildly. Savant (back to us) was drawn in first, hence the lines are tentative and ‘noodly’, lacking definition. The short man (is it Norton or Fenroy, I haven’t decided) came next, and by now I was warming up and starting to have some fun; the snow globe hats, for instance, were a last second addition. The pink fairy was next, and since her pose was somewhat unconventional the lines are a bit uneven here too, although I’m happy with the way she turned out.


In order to fill the rest of the space I wondered if I should perhaps draw in some background material such as stacks of books or shelves, but since I’m not very comfortable drawing backgrounds (and I’d already drawn more than enough books in Mister Savant’s Stupid Quest for the Book Whose Name He Simply, Well.. Forgot!), I decided a couple more figures might fill in the page nicely. I had the most fun drawing these two figures, namely the tall man and Sophie, and I think it shows. The lines are the most confident here. Indeed, the visual difference between Savant and Sophie makes me a bit uncomfortable, but I didn’t want to rub it out and start over. It’s only a sketch!

The second fairy was added in as an afterthought as I had by then decided on having no background elements whatsoever, and to put in some kind of chandelier or something in that space to balance the composition would have seemed out of place.

As usual with my sketches, I left in the construction lines. I scanned it in and coloured it in GIMP; just a simple flat colour pass and one for adding in dodge/burn highlights and shadows. Not the most elegant job I’ve done (probably has something to do with the fact that I only used fuzzy round brushes) but satisfactory.

I like doing these Savant sketches. They’re a lot of fun and even as I completed this one I thought up a bunch more to do. I like them even more when they have a bit of colour on them. I’ve mostly always been a black-and-white sketch person, leaving colour for more finished pieces, but I’m starting to see its merits even in quick work. Also it’s one more place to practice colour theory and hone my skills.

I think that on the next ones I should definitely ‘rough in’ the scene before going to finished pencils to avoid those awkward style changes. Im not practiced or proficient enough a cartoonist to even have a style yet, so I should remember that warmup time is needed.

Oh, and next time I promise he won’t be doing anything boring.


Mister Savant’s Stupid Quest for the Book whose Name he simply, well… Forgot!

Mister Savant's Stupid Quest for the Book whose Name he simply, well... Forgot!

This pic is both in Sketch Machine and Illustration because it started off as a pencil sketch in my little notebook, and by the time it was done I figured I might as well colour it up in the GIMP.

I did a bit of cleanup to the pencil work, which was actually a lot harder than I thought because I couldn’t just erase things like construction lines without destroying the texture of the paper that was also scanned in. So, I ended up using the clone brush, and it worked out. I mainly got rid of, as I said, construction lines (which I never bother to erase until I ink something) and especially Xaria’s eyes, which were originally open but horribly done.

I have left the construction lines in on the typography, however, mostly because I think it adds character to it and contributes to the sketch/underground comic art look that I love.

Or I’m just lazy.