Comic Konga! #005: Things I Learnt From CK!

Well, Comic Konga's done.
Um, make that Comic Konga! (officially)
I've learnt a lot this past week...
Don't squander a whole week of prep time playing Gran Turismo
Don't attempt a comic event the same week you're supposed to deliver a project
Sex jokes are easy, but they aren't very funny
Computer copy and paste can be very useful...
but don't count on it
Also, I've learnt that I can tell stories okay, but not jokes. I'm not a stand-up comedian
I still can't really draw. Miles to go before I rest
Don't get me wrong; I don't conisder Comic Konga! a failure.
I've had more fun this past week than I've had in a long while.
I love making comics, and I'll continue making them for the rest of my life (or at least next Tue)
Hey! I never did a Super Monkey strip like I planned! Oh well...
next time, dude.
Super monkey says ook.


It’s been a heck of a week.

Comic Konga! didn’t go quite as smoothly as planned, but it was a lot of fun, and a real learning experience. I just hope you guys enjoyed the work I did here, and didn’t mind the posting schedule (or rather the lack of one).

There will be another Comic Konga! in the future. I don’t want to turn it into a monthly affair, but a few times a year seems like it would work. I guess I should spend the time between now and then getting better at drawing and comic making.

Oh, and it’s November, right? I think I mentioned something about writing a lot of fiction… hmm.



Well, Comic Konga's done.
Um, make that Comic Konga! (officially)
I've learnt a lot this past week...
Don't squander a whole week of prep time playing Gran Turismo
Don't attempt a comic event the same week you're supposed to deliver a project
Sex jokes are easy, but they aren't very funny
Computer copy and paste can be very useful...
but don't count on it
Also, I've learnt that I can tell stories okay, but not jokes. I'm not a stand-up comedian
I still can't really draw. Miles to go before I rest
Don't get me wrong; I don't conisder Comic Konga! a failure.
I've had more fun this past week than I've had in a long while.
I love making comics, and I'll continue making them for the rest of my life (or at least next Tue)
Hey! I never did a Super Monkey strip like I planned! Oh well...
next time, dude.
Super monkey says ook.


It’s been a heck of a week.

Comic Konga! didn’t go quite as smoothly as planned, but it was a lot of fun, and a real learning experience. I just hope you guys enjoyed the work I did here, and didn’t mind the posting schedule (or rather the lack of one).

There will be another Comic Konga! in the future. I don’t want to turn it into a monthly affair, but a few times a year seems like it would work. I guess I should spend the time between now and then getting better at drawing and comic making.

Oh, and it’s November, right? I think I mentioned something about writing a lot of fiction… hmm.
