A Nevernude Frog Guy

Tinkering with these drawing videos, I think I’ve figured out a pace I like. 2x timelapses seem to be a happy medium between the slow, methodical real-time videos, and the ultra-fast ones that are 4 or even 8x sped-up. For now I’m using the Hyperlapse app on my phone to easily spit out timelapses; it’s […]

14 Minute Belly Dancer, OR How Long Does a Practice Sketch Take?

I like to start most drawing sessions with a sketch in one of several practice or sketchbooks I have running at any time. Some of them are focused topic sketchbooks, such as my Creatures Sketchbook (more on that in a future post), and some are less so. Such is my current ‘Practice Makes Perfect’ sketchbook, […]

Practice 28 March 2014

I need to start owning my process and acknowledging all the steps that it takes to get to a finished piece of work. So much of this gets lost in sketch books, and after a while you start to think you can do without it, much to your own peril. So now & then I’ll […]

Train Station – Foreground Inks

train station foreground pens

Foreground inks are done on my Train Station image for Today’s Doodle. I use a Zebra Calligraphy pen (aka my favourite pen ever) to do the figures. The calligraphy pen gives a nice bouncy, organic line that works well for living creatures. The thinner lines such as the fairy’s wings and the anatomy that shows through from behind it was done with a Uniball Pin 0.05 fine liner. I’ll be using this fine pen more as I get farther into the background, and of course for detail work later.


Train Station – Pencils

train station pencils

(I’ll be posting work-in-progress and quick process updates here more often now. You know, what my blog was supposed to be about.)

The latest drawing for the Today’s Doodle site, on the subject ‘Train Station’. I’m quite surprised that I not only managed to pull this off without any pre-sketch or thumbnail, but also within an hour. This sort of thing usually takes me two-to-three hours or hemming and hawing over every little detail.

On to the inks!