Black & White in the Streets of Bombay

men drinking tea near a roadside barber
Been back from my India vacation for a fortnight now, and only now getting round to sorting through the pictures I took. I didn’t do as much street photography as I would like — I’m still not comfortable taking pictures like that — but I did manage more than I ever have, and I think I am starting to come out of my shell. Unfortunately it will be several months before I can practice the form again.

Another thing I haven’t done in a long while is take Black & White photos. I love them, but other than a few experiments with my brother’s camera when he was in college, and then a few shots when we first got a digicam, I have never tried it. Another problem I’ve tried to overcome, and I hope you like these….

the railway building
a corner of Bombay University
A traffic cop at Haji Ali crossroads
Dabbawalas converse under a footbridge at Charni Road
A wall filled with torn posters near Marine Lines
Fishing boats and people take in the sunset near Backbay bus depot

Townie to Burbie

Took the excellent BRTS bus all the way from Rajabhai Tower to Thane. Excellent ride, but I wish I had the SLR on me to pull off quicker shots. I’m far too shy about using my camera in public, though (it’s a necessary precaution when I’m in a more restrictive place like Dubai).