Black & White in the Streets of Bombay

men drinking tea near a roadside barber
Been back from my India vacation for a fortnight now, and only now getting round to sorting through the pictures I took. I didn’t do as much street photography as I would like — I’m still not comfortable taking pictures like that — but I did manage more than I ever have, and I think I am starting to come out of my shell. Unfortunately it will be several months before I can practice the form again.

Another thing I haven’t done in a long while is take Black & White photos. I love them, but other than a few experiments with my brother’s camera when he was in college, and then a few shots when we first got a digicam, I have never tried it. Another problem I’ve tried to overcome, and I hope you like these….

the railway building
a corner of Bombay University
A traffic cop at Haji Ali crossroads
Dabbawalas converse under a footbridge at Charni Road
A wall filled with torn posters near Marine Lines
Fishing boats and people take in the sunset near Backbay bus depot