Sarcastic Voyage 163 ‘Golden Age’


The Sarcastic Voyage podcast went through a bit of a rethink around this time, dropping some segments and refocussing on sketch comedy, including several new bits that were evocative of the golden age of radio; serials and ongoing characters. To pay homage to this age I decided to make a quintessentially Golden Age science fiction image, featuring jetpacks and robots and, of course, fedoras.

An simpler image was completed in time for the release of the podcast, flat-coloured, which you can see above. It took a few more days of work to shade & colour the whole illustration, which takes the form of a one-sheet movie poster.


There’s also a wallpaper version (2560×1440) which you can get by clicking on the image below:

Sarcastic Voyage 163 Golden Age wallpaper

By Vishal

I design & create beautiful, useful, and not-so-useful things that delight.