Doctor Who Fan Stories Logo

Doctor Who Fan Stories Logo designed by Vishal K Bharadwaj |

Client: Jason Ryan Wallace
Year: 2014

The Doctor Who Fan Stories are the audio adventures of an alternate 11th Doctor (played by Jason R. Wallace) and new companions. Given the wealth of Who-related iconography, I knew I had to evoke some of it, without being directly infringing on any current or past Who logos. I decided on a two-fold approach; one, the typography would be reminiscent of classic (pre 2005) Doctor Who logos that I grew up watching; and two… well, if you can’t see it I don’t want to give it away, but it’s a lot like what I did for the Post Atomic Horror Podcast logo.

Spot the hidden T.A.R.D.I.S.!

Doctor Who Fan Stories Logo B designed by Vishal K Bharadwaj |

By Vishal

I design & create beautiful, useful, and not-so-useful things that delight.