
yellow aluminium nonstick 6.5 litre pot

You can never have too many pots and pans. Well, actually, you can, but even in most enthusiastic home cooks’ repertoire of gadgets and gizmos and implements, nothing beats a good solid pot that you can cook things in. I think I bought my first frying pan — my very own — when I was ten. It was a little nonstick omelet pan (guess what my favourite food was?) that promptly got scratched beyond use. For my thirteenth birthday I got a set of steel pots and a pan I still use today.

Once in a while — every year or so — I will expand my culinary arsenal with woks and cast-iron griddles and such. This big, 6.5 litre yellow pot is the largest vessel in the house now; overkill, perhaps, since I never really entertain large groups, but the added room over my other 2 & 3 litre pots is welcome for things like big batches of soups and risottos.