Well, folks, less than 24 hours to go before Comic Konga! begins! I hope you’re excited and if you’re participating, I hope you’ve got a bunch of ideas (or better yet, finished comics) already! Truth be told I haven’t begun work on my finished comics yet. I do have a few of the ideas chalked out and I know what tomorrow’s comic will be… now I just have to do it!
In case you feel so inclined to announce your Comic Konga! participation on your blogs, I’ve provided a couple of versions of the logo for you to use:

The one on the left is a transparent background PNG, 240×240. On the right is a GIF of the same dimensions with a white background. Feel free to right click and ‘Save as…’ (or your browser’s equivalent) and put it up in your site’s sidebar or into your Comic Konga! posts. Feel free to resample or resize it to fit your blog (I kept it large so that it would shrink down well).
Comic Konga! Logo (Plain SVG version)
If you like, I’ve provided a plain SVG version of the logo. You can use Inkscape to view it, but I think even other programs like new versions of Adobe Illustrator support this vector file standard. With the vector version you can export the image at higher (or lower) resolutions, or even put the logo into the comics themselves.
In case there were any doubts, you can begin to post your comics whenever Monday is in your timezone. Just putup one every day until Friday. I’ll also be collecting links to all the participants’s daily entries the next day(so Monday’s comic will be collected on Tuesday afternoon GMT), and of course there will be a final list of links after Comic Konga concludes on Friday, 02 November.
I encourage all of you to check out the other entries; to comment on, link to and pick your favourites. Mostly, don’t be disheartedned if you haven’t begun… there’s still a while to go and a great comic doesn’t need to worked on forever.
Good luck!