Cholbe Na!

cholbe na! acrylic painting 80x120cm
I’ve never, ever really tried to paint. In school we had to as part of Art class, and I never took to it. A year ago a friend of mine moved to a new apartment and requested some pop art for his wall. Initially I considered making a computer-printed artwork, but at some point hubris got the better of me (“How hard can it be if they taught it to us in primary school?”) and I ditched that idea in favour of a painting.

A large painting. 4ft by 2.5ft, to be precise.

So anyway, I hid from it for a year, but since it was his birthday I decided it was time to finally get down and see if I could. The results are not bad — for a first-ever attempt at painting on a canvas, that is — and it was a real learning experience.

I’ll probably stick mostly to pen & ink drawings, and art on the computer, but I think once in a while I may attempt a painting like this again.