
Honestly, if Dan hadn't pointed it out to me, I wouldn't even know that there was anything wrong with comments. Since switching to the new version of Pivot I've been happy to have the increased spam protection. Now I don't have to spend an hour every day hunting through posts and reporting fine interwub robots who comment on my site's "nice professional design" and then try to sell me viagra. To catch the few that did still manage to squeeze through I put in a human indentifying, spambot nixing question on posts older than ten days, and that did the trick too.

Alas, it would seem that my CMS also blocks a huge list of words, including normal, harmless words like 'animal'  and 'business' and (!!) 'xxx' (!!) At least a couple of you were victims of this overzealous spam blocker, and to you and everyone else reading, I'm sowwy.

I think I've solved the problem. I just got rid of the blocked phrases list. Now you can comment to your heart's content using words like 'bouncingboobs' and esoteric phrases and proverbs like "interest free credit card" and "paris hilton"

I've also put in the spambot combatting question into every post. I think I'll still get a little spam now and then which I'll have to watch out, but hopefully it'll be of the entertaining 'bouncingboobs' variety or the flattering "nice professional deign" kind.

Nobody blocks my readers! …um, reader. Hello, you. That's a nice shirt you're wearing. You have a professional designed site which is just what I was looking for and if you enjoy bouncingboobs I–

(Vishal will shut up now).


PS I think all this flagrant use of 'bouncingboobs' is going to get my site blocked by my wonderful ISP. And I don't even have any nude pictures up yet!

PPS Well, go on then, test it out, and be as filthy and spamalicious as you can. The best, most creative entry gets their finely crafted words
turned into a crappily crafted sketch.

Honestly, if Dan hadn't pointed it out to me, I wouldn't even know that there was anything wrong with comments. Since switching to the new version of Pivot I've been happy to have the increased spam protection. Now I don't have to spend an hour every day hunting through posts and reporting fine interwub robots who comment on my site's "nice professional design" and then try to sell me viagra. To catch the few that did still manage to squeeze through I put in a human indentifying, spambot nixing question on posts older than ten days, and that did the trick too.

Alas, it would seem that my CMS also blocks a huge list of words, including normal, harmless words like 'animal'  and 'business' and (!!) 'xxx' (!!) At least a couple of you were victims of this overzealous spam blocker, and to you and everyone else reading, I'm sowwy.

I think I've solved the problem. I just got rid of the blocked phrases list. Now you can comment to your heart's content using words like 'bouncingboobs' and esoteric phrases and proverbs like "interest free credit card" and "paris hilton"

I've also put in the spambot combatting question into every post. I think I'll still get a little spam now and then which I'll have to watch out, but hopefully it'll be of the entertaining 'bouncingboobs' variety or the flattering "nice professional deign" kind.

Nobody blocks my readers! …um, reader. Hello, you. That's a nice shirt you're wearing. You have a professional designed site which is just what I was looking for and if you enjoy bouncingboobs I–

(Vishal will shut up now).


PS I think all this flagrant use of 'bouncingboobs' is going to get my site blocked by my wonderful ISP. And I don't even have any nude pictures up yet!

PPS Well, go on then, test it out, and be as filthy and spamalicious as you can. The best, most creative entry gets their finely crafted words
turned into a crappily crafted sketch.