
Well, I didn’t finish NaNoWriMo again. Guess third time’s not charmed for me :confused:. Come to think of it, that particular bit of urban lore has never applied to me. Something to do with being born two days after All Fool’s Day, I’ll wager.

It’s surprising how little I regret not finishing the NaNo ‘contest’; if anything I’m slightly more happy that now I don’t have the deadline to deal with. I only think of NaNo as a competition for about two days of the year; November 1 and November 31. At all times in between and outside I don’t consider it, and once the period has passed the projects cease to be ‘nanovels’ and just end up being novels.

Polendron is a novel now. I should finish it. :rolleyes:

I will admit to liking Polendron the novel more than Polendron the character, right now. I just know too little about the character to make a fair judgement. For the curious, no, I won’t even be giving sneak peeks until it’s done, at which point the spell-checked first draft will be made available in some form.

Polendron… it’s not named after the character, you know? It’s named after a type of flowering plant that exists in that universe; one of the characters is named after those flowers. I think the flowers have some significance to the plot. Or they could just be flowers.

What you won’t be aware of if you read just that bit I posted on Restart Twice, is that Polendron is my first full attempt at having a multiple POV. Right now it’s heading in a 2001: A Space Odyssey style, without distinct long chapters, just scenes that go on for as long as they need to with the characters they need to show. I have three protagonists, maybe four since one of the characters has a superior/colleague who is always around.

I have three ‘bits’ written so far (can’t call them chapters), for about 3,500 words. Section one is your regular third person perspective, sort of like a detached first person, nothing fancy. Reading section two again I sense a bit of neutrality in the narrative bias; neither Lawris nor Arkay have ‘control’ of the narration, because I really haven’t gone into their thoughts there. I didn’t need to at that point, just introduce them, throw a plot cookie, set up the tempestuous Arkay/Captain relationship and leave.

Section three is, so far, my favourite. I make no secret of the fact that I don’t particularly like the typical spunky girl protagonist, which is why I haven’t warmed to Polendron yet. Section three has a woman.

Gods, I don’t even know her name yet (I wonder if I can get away with calling her Madam or Professor for the entire novel… might work). I’m not too fond of the other two characters in this section, but then again you’re not supposed to like Bulasara or his wife, so there shall be no tears shed when it comes time for their exit from the story.

The Professor, on the other hand, I like. Though she is one of the three protagonists, I am still toying with the notion that she will be the only protagonist who will never have a narrative from her perspective, always remaining the observed and never the observer, Sherlock Holmes style (Section three takes place from Bulasara’s POV). It might work, since she is such a mysterious character.

I like her (did I say that already?); broad-shouldered, tall woman woith long raven hair who runs around naked and spouts philosophy about astrophysics and the meaning of life — what’s not to like, huh?

Speaking of likeable women, I really should finish Tale of a Thousand Savants one of these days. That thing was full of likeable women. Too bad once it’s done I don’t plan on showing it to anyone.

Exactly three people shout: WHAAAAT??!!!

Yes, that’s right, once Tale is done I’m not letting it out. It’s too soon to show that. It would be like releasing Return of the King first. There are traps to be laid, plot twists to be stewed in things like First Days, The Cleaving of Xaria, Undecided at the Moment and a few others. And I haven’t even told any of you about Sixteen Permutations, or Tale‘s follow up, Black Spots.

Polendron, however, comes first. It’s not part of any bigger series (not yet, anyway) so I don’t have the added pressure of trying to get it right. Don’t know if I’ll be able to finish it by the end of the year. Samir and I are busy working on something that I cannot talk about. I may not be able to talk about it for at least another year to a year and a half.

No, this has nothing to do with the movie project.

Exactly three people shout: WHAT MOVIE PROJECT??

Next time, next time. :hehe:


Well, I didn’t finish NaNoWriMo again. Guess third time’s not charmed for me :confused:. Come to think of it, that particular bit of urban lore has never applied to me. Something to do with being born two days after All Fool’s Day, I’ll wager.

It’s surprising how little I regret not finishing the NaNo ‘contest’; if anything I’m slightly more happy that now I don’t have the deadline to deal with. I only think of NaNo as a competition for about two days of the year; November 1 and November 31. At all times in between and outside I don’t consider it, and once the period has passed the projects cease to be ‘nanovels’ and just end up being novels.

Polendron is a novel now. I should finish it. :rolleyes:

I will admit to liking Polendron the novel more than Polendron the character, right now. I just know too little about the character to make a fair judgement. For the curious, no, I won’t even be giving sneak peeks until it’s done, at which point the spell-checked first draft will be made available in some form.

Polendron… it’s not named after the character, you know? It’s named after a type of flowering plant that exists in that universe; one of the characters is named after those flowers. I think the flowers have some significance to the plot. Or they could just be flowers.

What you won’t be aware of if you read just that bit I posted on Restart Twice, is that Polendron is my first full attempt at having a multiple POV. Right now it’s heading in a 2001: A Space Odyssey style, without distinct long chapters, just scenes that go on for as long as they need to with the characters they need to show. I have three protagonists, maybe four since one of the characters has a superior/colleague who is always around.

I have three ‘bits’ written so far (can’t call them chapters), for about 3,500 words. Section one is your regular third person perspective, sort of like a detached first person, nothing fancy. Reading section two again I sense a bit of neutrality in the narrative bias; neither Lawris nor Arkay have ‘control’ of the narration, because I really haven’t gone into their thoughts there. I didn’t need to at that point, just introduce them, throw a plot cookie, set up the tempestuous Arkay/Captain relationship and leave.

Section three is, so far, my favourite. I make no secret of the fact that I don’t particularly like the typical spunky girl protagonist, which is why I haven’t warmed to Polendron yet. Section three has a woman.

Gods, I don’t even know her name yet (I wonder if I can get away with calling her Madam or Professor for the entire novel… might work). I’m not too fond of the other two characters in this section, but then again you’re not supposed to like Bulasara or his wife, so there shall be no tears shed when it comes time for their exit from the story.

The Professor, on the other hand, I like. Though she is one of the three protagonists, I am still toying with the notion that she will be the only protagonist who will never have a narrative from her perspective, always remaining the observed and never the observer, Sherlock Holmes style (Section three takes place from Bulasara’s POV). It might work, since she is such a mysterious character.

I like her (did I say that already?); broad-shouldered, tall woman woith long raven hair who runs around naked and spouts philosophy about astrophysics and the meaning of life — what’s not to like, huh?

Speaking of likeable women, I really should finish Tale of a Thousand Savants one of these days. That thing was full of likeable women. Too bad once it’s done I don’t plan on showing it to anyone.

Exactly three people shout: WHAAAAT??!!!

Yes, that’s right, once Tale is done I’m not letting it out. It’s too soon to show that. It would be like releasing Return of the King first. There are traps to be laid, plot twists to be stewed in things like First Days, The Cleaving of Xaria, Undecided at the Moment and a few others. And I haven’t even told any of you about Sixteen Permutations, or Tale‘s follow up, Black Spots.

Polendron, however, comes first. It’s not part of any bigger series (not yet, anyway) so I don’t have the added pressure of trying to get it right. Don’t know if I’ll be able to finish it by the end of the year. Samir and I are busy working on something that I cannot talk about. I may not be able to talk about it for at least another year to a year and a half.

No, this has nothing to do with the movie project.

Exactly three people shout: WHAT MOVIE PROJECT??

Next time, next time. :hehe:
