kiss me you fool!

I’m working on something 3D this weekend. Blender is a lot more logical in its modelling workflow that any other 3D application. The staggered nature of the process (and the lack of an easy UNDO) makes it the equivalent of the QWERTY keyboard for typewriters. It forces you to think your steps through, and in 3D, that’s a very important thing.

More as it happens. I’m very satisfied with it so far.


I’m working on something 3D this weekend. Blender is a lot more logical in its modelling workflow that any other 3D application. The staggered nature of the process (and the lack of an easy UNDO) makes it the equivalent of the QWERTY keyboard for typewriters. It forces you to think your steps through, and in 3D, that’s a very important thing.

More as it happens. I’m very satisfied with it so far.