gimme some direction

Between work (tenth revision on a poster in as many days, each one more mind-numbingly wronger than the last), nanowrimo (slow and steady, but winning still undecided, and I’m just going to continue this bastard until it’s done) and life in general, I’m really fatigued. I need something to do (something frivolous).

Which is where you come in. I’ve been mulling a “daily sketch” style feature on the blog for a while now but like most things a combination of laziness and abject terror have let it go unfulfilled. This changes now. What I would like is for anyone to suggest something for me to draw. Go wild. Go crazy. It can be anything. If you can fit it in a comment (and, as far as I can tell, you can have loooong comments here), I will interpret it in pen and ink to the best of my ability and put it up the next day, when you can go crazy again and suggest something more harebrained.

If multiple suggestions are made, I’ll chose one that catches my fancy and keep the others for later. Go on, get cracking. And while you’re at it, drop by Spyder’s and give her some luff.

Between work (tenth revision on a poster in as many days, each one more mind-numbingly wronger than the last), nanowrimo (slow and steady, but winning still undecided, and I’m just going to continue this bastard until it’s done) and life in general, I’m really fatigued. I need something to do (something frivolous).

Which is where you come in. I’ve been mulling a “daily sketch” style feature on the blog for a while now but like most things a combination of laziness and abject terror have let it go unfulfilled. This changes now. What I would like is for anyone to suggest something for me to draw. Go wild. Go crazy. It can be anything. If you can fit it in a comment (and, as far as I can tell, you can have loooong comments here), I will interpret it in pen and ink to the best of my ability and put it up the next day, when you can go crazy again and suggest something more harebrained.

If multiple suggestions are made, I’ll chose one that catches my fancy and keep the others for later. Go on, get cracking. And while you’re at it, drop by Spyder’s and give her some luff.