Get Ready for Comic Konga 2!

It’s been far too long since I’ve posted here, and even longer since our first Comic Konga! Half a year has gone by in the blink of an eye, and so I thought it would be best to get back into blogging by jumping in at the deep end with another CK.

CK2 will begin July 7th (that’s Monday after next) and run until the 11th (that Friday). The rules are the same as last time: five days, five comics (in whatever way you define a ‘comic’) posted to your blog or online space of choice. A free-form festival of graphic delights, hosted by your truly.

You have about twelve days so that should be plenty of time to come up with ideas, doodle, and even prepare your finished comics. If you’re participating do drop me an emial or a comment here (don’t forget a link to where you’ll be putting the work up!).

See you then!

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It’s been far too long since I’ve posted here, and even longer since our first Comic Konga! Half a year has gone by in the blink of an eye, and so I thought it would be best to get back into blogging by jumping in at the deep end with another CK.

CK2 will begin July 7th (that’s Monday after next) and run until the 11th (that Friday). The rules are the same as last time: five days, five comics (in whatever way you define a ‘comic’) posted to your blog or online space of choice. A free-form festival of graphic delights, hosted by your truly.

You have about twelve days so that should be plenty of time to come up with ideas, doodle, and even prepare your finished comics. If you’re participating do drop me an emial or a comment here (don’t forget a link to where you’ll be putting the work up!).

See you then!