Four Plates

A cheap and cheerful white IKEA bowl, on an end-table with inlay work from Kahdi Bhandar in India

Rocket Salad with Kidney Beans and Olives in a Honey, Whole-Grain Mustard and Balsamic Vinegar dressing

Fusilli in a Tomato Sauce with Fresh Basil and Parsley

Firttata with Salad and Wholewheat Pitta bread

A cheap and cheerful white IKEA bowl, on an end-table with inlay work from Kahdi Bhandar in India

Rocket Salad with Kidney Beans and Olives in a Honey, Whole-Grain Mustard and Balsamic Vinegar dressing

Fusilli in a Tomato Sauce with Fresh Basil and Parsley

Firttata with Salad and Wholewheat Pitta bread