all the freshest links

Recently I switched from Bloglines to Google’s Feed Reader. While Bloglines was nice, the (still in testing) Google version is just so much better for me. I can finally open up feeds with hundreds of unread items and not have my old computer lock up for ten minutes as all the pictures load, because I can call up entires one at a time. I can go on holiday and not have to worry about the 200 entry limit. I can flag items for later viewing in a single click, and best of all, sharing any items quickly is dead easy. You can see the results of that on the sidebar of this blog’s front page if you scroll  down past “Archives” — ten of the latest links I feel are worth sharing.

Granted, I can’t editorialise on them like I do in interwubbing posts, but it’s nice to just be able to dump a few links directly from my Feed Reader onto the blog, rather than have to do the round-a-bout  way of collecting all the links and either posting them through Bloglines’s two/three steps (involving popup windows and a seperate link “blog” address), or collecting the links and posting them through my CMS’s unused ‘linkdump’ option.

There will still be interwubbing posts, but those will be more editorial. It’s nice to have the flexibility to just link to things when I have nothing to say about them.

What do you guys think of the placement? Is it too low? Should I move it up, and if so, where?

Recently I switched from Bloglines to Google’s Feed Reader. While Bloglines was nice, the (still in testing) Google version is just so much better for me. I can finally open up feeds with hundreds of unread items and not have my old computer lock up for ten minutes as all the pictures load, because I can call up entires one at a time. I can go on holiday and not have to worry about the 200 entry limit. I can flag items for later viewing in a single click, and best of all, sharing any items quickly is dead easy. You can see the results of that on the sidebar of this blog’s front page if you scroll  down past “Archives” — ten of the latest links I feel are worth sharing.

Granted, I can’t editorialise on them like I do in interwubbing posts, but it’s nice to just be able to dump a few links directly from my Feed Reader onto the blog, rather than have to do the round-a-bout  way of collecting all the links and either posting them through Bloglines’s two/three steps (involving popup windows and a seperate link “blog” address), or collecting the links and posting them through my CMS’s unused ‘linkdump’ option.

There will still be interwubbing posts, but those will be more editorial. It’s nice to have the flexibility to just link to things when I have nothing to say about them.

What do you guys think of the placement? Is it too low? Should I move it up, and if so, where?