#26Characters: H for Heckler


Growing up I didn’t have the ready access to new comics that most kids in more developed parts of the world did. Most of the ones I ended up reading were DC & Marvel stuff years out of date, fragments of larger stories I had no hope of being able to collect the full sets of. If this sounds like a nightmare to the modern completionist nerd, then let me assure you that I didn’t feel that way at the time, and had a blast reading random Superman tales and figuring out how they all fit together in the greater scheme of things.

Among these pleasures of storytelling jigsaw-puzzle divination, was looking at the ads for other comics within each issue. These usually featured covers for the big events, the big characters, but also more obscure ones.

One of these was for the Heckler, which AAlgar requested as the H in the #26Characters project. I don’t know anything about this character beyond the childhood connection to seeing him in ads in comic books, but man does he have a cool costume.


By Vishal

I design & create beautiful, useful, and not-so-useful things that delight.