
This flagrant disregard for the norms of what is commonly considered a “photo blog” (words. ACTUAL WORDS! The gall of this creature!) is here because it’s far too late in the day, I want a post every day of the month**, and the photos are in the other room on the work computer, unprepared for posting. I spent the day watching James Bond kiss Japanese onna and doodling images of giant robots.

**UPDATE: Apparently my website doesn’t know what time it is and changed dates at least 40 minutes before it actually turn midnight here. 🙁 Oh well, I’ll get you next month, you full linked calendar column…**

It has occured to me that this incarnation of iLevel originally didn’t start out as a photo blog, but as a meld of the original wordless — well, commentary-less — site and my infrequent text dump. I’ve been trying to get something other than a photo up here for what seems like forever, and sometimes I actually do. It is, however, much easier to just look through my stash of photos, pick one that looks mildly interesting, crop and work it until it looks somewhat decent and stick it up here. Hey, it works.

Today, for the reasons mentioned above, there will be no photo. So I’d like to address a few things that have gone unmentioned due to the steady flow of pictures:

1) Vanilla Coke
If you came here through the post on Boing Boing that mentioned me and looked around for more information regarding the beverage, Bollywood or Vivek Oberoi, I’m sorry you were disappointed. Other than pictures of household objects and potted plants there is nothing yet on the site about any of the subjects.

(If you came back here again regardless, then Thank You, and I hope you like the pictures)

I am curious, however, as to what information you hoped to find here. All I did was send the link to BoingBoing and put in my blog as the sender’s website; I never did expect anyone to come here seeking info specifically relating to that post. I suppose a translation of the lyrics of that ad might be helpful to some, and while my Hindi isn’t perfect I’ll try and whip one up soon. If it’s anything else (no, I don’t have naked pics of Vivek Oberoi 🙂 ) at all please leave a comment.

heck, leave a comment anyway; tell me about your love life.

2) Icewalla
Yes, I know, just like everything else I left it halfway. I’m in two minds whether to take down the three parts I’ve posted and edit them up a bit — a couple of lines in there are just plain horrendous. The story, however, will be completed, and more short stories will follow (although I doubt I’ll do a multi-parter soon. Those just beg to be abandoned).

As I said, this isn’t just a photo blog, y’know.

3) Renderosity
I haven’t mentioned this on the site yet, but I have started posting larger versions of the stuff you see on iLevel at the Renderosity computer graphics community. My gallery can be found here. So, if you ever wanted a closer look at the guy on the torn poster in String Theory, or count the pores in Pores, now you can.

I still like the smaller sizes on iLevel (bandwidth friendly and nice layout — Thanks Samir!), and it’s always updated first (plus any text posts such as this, as well as multiple photo/illustration posts will only be available here).

So, a photo should be up tomorrow. Hope you come back (I don’t have a tracker on this site yet; I’m lazy as is amply evidenced).

Back to those giant robots…

more text test

testing 1…2…3…




Welcome to iLevel 1.5, now incorporating Restart Twice.

Restart Twice was my old text-blog on Blogger, and iLevel was on Camblog. Both of the old blogs have now been blasted to smithereens! :laugh:

iLevel 1.5 — this blog — is what I originally envisioned as what my blog would be; a mix of words, photos, illustrations and everything in-between. I had considered trying to tag on the previous year’s of content on the old blogs into 1.5, but have decided against it. Sometimes you just have to move on. (Don’t worry, I still have back-ups of the photos and text, though they may never be put up for public-access again in their original form. Maybe some photos will come up in galleries in the 2.0 stage)

Yes, 2.0. iLevel 1.5 is the stepping stone to 2.0, which will be a full personal website, and iLevel in its new 1.5 form will be a part of that along with galleries and other stuff that makes me look cool. :hehe:

So welcome to iLevel. Enjoy.


moving on

Restart Twice is now moving location, merging with my photo-blog, iLevel. All further posts will be at the new site, which is http://ilevel.cjb.net

This site will not be updated further.


janta ki rai

Comments systems are now in place, courtesy blogspeak. Prove to me that I’m not the only one reading this.


zonked out

The ZonkBoard people have removed their free service. So the Zonkboard is gone. Oh well. Fun while it lasted