mostly harmless

…and it’s done.

The blog has been converted. It’s been messy (I actually had to use non-relative links, which I am told is a CSS no-no), but it’s 1 am, I’m sleepy, and while there’s this nagging gap on the tops of entry pages (but not on the index) that will have to be tracked down and killed, it’s pretty much as it will be for a while.

So, like it? Love it? Hate it? Comments, please…


monkeying around

Today I’m going to try and work the blog template to look like the rest
of the site, so it will get messed up, and until further notice is WIP.

Please wear your Hard Hat.


grunt work

I’m typing up entry pages for my work — illustration, photographs etc. — which is taking a bit longer than I expected. Coming up with something to say on each page is a bit of a strain. I may just leave some blank (i.e. with just the work) if it means getting it done quicker.

Getting the blog to work with the new template is also going to be a bit of a chess game. Don’t be surprised if you turn up at the blog and it looks all crazy. When it’s done to my satisfaction I’ll put a post up to let you all know, and no cracks like “so when’s it really going to be done?” shall be entertained.

Well, they might. 🙂

After that I have to tackle the other big web project, i.e. My sister’s wedding photo site. I’m not the biggest fan of web design, but I’m learning to like it. As long as you put off Internet Explorer and base your implementation on a CSS compatible, standards-compliant (which, apparently even MSIE7 — seven! — won’t be) browser, it’s a pleasure.

Needless to say, allVishal is best viewed in Firefox. Like every other website. Well, maybe not, but who on earth goes there?


sorting hat

It’s a new year, so I decided to finally work on the rest of the site. A redesign has been done, it’s been implemented to HTML, but I’ll only put it up when I get the rest of it done otherwise I’ll just end up changing the blog and sitting on it for a year again. Should be another week before I sort out all my work and type up the entry pages for them, and the end of which I should hopefully have a (fully-working) site.

Meanwhile you should all go see Woody Allen’s Match Point, which I was lucky enough to see an advanced screening of (it releases tomorrow here, but is already out in places in the US).

Do not watch trailers or read reviews, as this film is best watched ‘cold.’ Hope you enjoy it as much as I did.


where, when, and what

If you came in and wondered what the test post was all about (and why I’m not deleting it), then here’s the explanation. The site, and then the blog have been acting up recently. First, the site itself was deleted for a while (in what I can only assume was a Brazil-style clerical error, since even Oliver the helpul customer support person didn’t know why it was flagged as in violation of TOS). Then it came back up, I finally managed to drag myself off my increasingly heavy ass long enough to put up an “I’m Alive!” post and…

…the blog failed to load. 404 errors everywhere on everywhich browser, despite the file showing up in the FTP view. I managed to get into Pivot and the blog came back up when I deleted the “I’m Alive!” post, and no matter how many times I tried, or in how many different ways, that block of Voodoo text just continued to render the blog unreachable (I’ve saved that piece of plain ascii in the hopes that one day I may upload it to the customer service forums of an invading alien race, thereby crashing their entire fleet in spectacular Independence Day/not-so-spectacular 3001: Final Odyssey style).

Which led to the plain vanilla test post preceeding this, which didn’t crash the blog, but now it was only reachable if you typed in the entire address from http to .html — so, basically all links to the blog were screwed. Disgusted, I just decided to leave it alone for a while and concentrate on some offline work (not like there are many photos to show anyway).

Today the address link problem seems to have fixed itself and all is working, but I don’t want to take the chance of deleting the test post and having the entire thing shut me out again.

(…um, unless this post does the same… arg.)

More news forthcoming, including a hopefully more active posting schedule, some photos, some reviews, some general nonsense.

And a site redesign. Hope to get that done before November, when, as some of you know, I will be otherwise occupied.

More on why I’ll be occupied in the next post.

Hope this works, thank you all for your continued visits to the site and the blog, and see you tomorrow.


swagatam, baby

Welcome to allVishal.

I'm Vishal, and this site should contain all of me that is fit to print
(which is quite a bit, really). You will notice that comments are a lot
easier to put in, have a lot of funky emoticons like monkies and cows,
and also you can use textile to format stuff better (best of all, no
registration, although that is an option — you can post anonymously

So… there may not be many photos for a while (digicam is back in
Dubai being put to some professional use by my brother, while I'm in
Mumbai watching movies and getting drunk on gingery sugarcane juice).

If I can get this old laptop to work for more than ten minutes, you
might see an illustration, or some writing. Unlike the dear departed
iLevel, the content here will be more varied (I can have categories
now! whee!)

So do leave a comment and tell me how you are, what you're wearing
currently, and how many partly-bald men it takes to change a hairdryer


stronger, loving url

Well, we all knew this blogger address was going to be a stopgap, and I figure instead of waiting until the new site is all done with I should just move on.

So, as of now, iLevel is dead.

Please point your links to allVishal

The site is barely working right now; there’s a splash page and a blog with a test post or two, but it’s running Pivot, which is GORGEOUS. I’m using a default template for the blog right now; it will be changed to reflect the overall site design as soon as I can hack it.

See you in the future, and thanks for visiting.


Did you know that this blog is the number one Yahoo! Search result for “breasts bursting shirt”?

Yahoo! indeed.


Well, it looks like I spoke too soon about not updating your links. has popups that prompt you to download rather suspicious looking software (I’m put off by anything that tries to install itself on a system via popup, no matter how benign the actual program is), so I decided that since the blogspot address is almost as easy to type as the CJB, I might as well dump it (the prohosting version of the site still doesn’t work properly). So, just to make it clear once more; this site is only accessible through

Kindly update your links.

See you in the future, Conan.

onward and upward

Welcome to iLevel v1.7. This isn’t quite how I planned it, but my last (free) host had some downtime, and when it got back up some of the cgi files in my blog management software had reset themselves, resulting in me being unable to login to the account (or even to leave a comment on a post, apparently). Unfortunately the host had recently disallowed CHMOD (my site was only working because I had CHMODed everything before the ban), so I couldn’t continue using Greymatter on that host.

I didn’t want to move the whole thing on another host, so decided that, for the time being, at least, it’s back to old Blogger. Not quite as fancy and customised, but it gets the job done quite well. Also, content is king, and I’ve been obsessing over everything but that over the past months. A quick and dirty hosting solution to keep the blog going seems to be best. The site is still accessible through, so no need to update your links.

So, have a seat, gape at the utter lack of archives, and do leave a comment telling me you’re still here. All three of you.


its a wraparound reality

I’ve been designing the new site, hence the fewer updates to iLevel. Right now, after many, many revisions, I’ve come up with a main page design that I’m happy with. It was pretty tough because of the way I want the site laid out, less like a blog, but still run by a blog-like CMS. Samir has been hunting down any and all possible CMS candidates, and all the good ones require MySQL and PHP (which I know nothing about), but the list has been narrowed down to a couple.

I still have to see if my main page design actually works (it’s just a sketch wight now). It is theoretically possible, but will require some work, especially on the CMS’s end. Thankfully, with CSS, I have no fears about the main page being visually possible. If this was a few years ago and I had to do it, the only option would be Flash, which I want to stay as far away from as possible.

Due to the rather extensive overhaul I need to do, the redesign will be at least a month or two away. I’ll still post here to the 1.6 blog, and some of the content here will be making it over to the site version (2.0), but how much is uncertain. I don’t really want to have a lot of semi-good photos on the site; I’ll weed out everything but AAA content.

The 1.7 intermediate redesign has been scrapped; it would have a been substantial amount of work, so I decided I might as well spend that time on a more permanent solution. Also, these banner ads my free host has put in are a bit annoying, and I don’t want to have to design around them. When 2.0 comes up I’ll spring for hosting anyway, and then the only ads will be of my own 🙂

So, this thing you’re surfing will hopefully be the last ‘blog’ I ever have, and I’m quite happy that — 5 year too late — I’m actually working on a site.



Yes, this is a placeholder.

It’s too near 11pm for me to risk not putting up one, since the server seems to think we have DST in this part of the world (we don’t) and so its clock runs one hour too fast.

Check back in around 2-3 hours and an image should be up.
