5 Minutes with a 500mm Mirror Lens

My Pentax K200D with a 500mm Samyang mirror lens attached
Last year when I went to India I enlisted the aid of a cousin who was coming in from the States to bring me a bunch of photo equipment — most of which I subsequently never used, except for the M42 mount adapter ring that allowed me to use my old 58mm manual F2 Zenit lens on my Pentax K200D digital SLR.

Because the Zenit has sat on my camera for the past six months (I love it!), I have not really given much thought to using the other lens I got, a 500mm mirror lens. Mirror lenses are odd beasts, behaving like reflector telescopes rather than straightforward lenses. The upshot is they’re a shorter size for more zoom, and give you odd donut shaped bokeh.

The downside is that this one, a Samyang 500mm F6.3, is heavy, super-sensitive to focus, and has a very steep learning curve. Also, since I live in Dubai I’ve been too afraid to take it out with me and try it, mostly because I don’t want someone to think I’m wielding some strange super-weapon and toss me in jail.

So, I basically haven’t touched the thing in ages, but thought I’d at least see what I could get around the house in 5 minutes.

I got, um, one.

Photo taken with a Pentax K200D with a 500mm Samyang mirror lens attached

Not that I was trying very hard, and oh man do my hands ever shake. Need to fix that. Deep breaths, cut down on coff–naw.

Photo of donut bokeh from a Pentax K200D with a 500mm Samyang mirror lens attached

Truth be told, I bought this thing mostly for the donut bokeh, which I think looks quite pretty.

My Pentax K200D with a 500mm Samyang mirror lens attached

And here’s another shot of the beast, to close this post out.