I doodled the pencil version of this image in the corner of a sketchbook page one day last February. It wasn't a particularly good drawing, and it was about as large as a box of tic-tacs, but sometime in September I was thumbing through the same book and decided it might make a nice coloured piece.
I did it entirely inkscape, using a style that doesn't have any stroke (as opposed to black or coloured outlines for the shapes, or keeping a vectorised version of the pencils or inks). I love the style when it's used well, especially by people like Arthur De Pins. This one is, of course, a highly simplified version of his style. I think I have some ways to go before I'm anywhere as good.
(My first attempt at this style was back in March with the even more simplistic Holi image.)
I had thought of maybe putting the character into a background, but that wasn't working as well as I expected, so I'm just going to post it and move on to other stuff, hopefully revisiting the style often. It takes some time, but the results are worth it, I think.
Here's a wallpaper (1600×1200)