mostly harmless

…and it’s done.

The blog has been converted. It’s been messy (I actually had to use non-relative links, which I am told is a CSS no-no), but it’s 1 am, I’m sleepy, and while there’s this nagging gap on the tops of entry pages (but not on the index) that will have to be tracked down and killed, it’s pretty much as it will be for a while.

So, like it? Love it? Hate it? Comments, please…


…and it’s done.

The blog has been converted. It’s been messy (I actually had to use non-relative links, which I am told is a CSS no-no), but it’s 1 am, I’m sleepy, and while there’s this nagging gap on the tops of entry pages (but not on the index) that will have to be tracked down and killed, it’s pretty much as it will be for a while.

So, like it? Love it? Hate it? Comments, please…