garvan the lapine

Sketched up Garvan the Lapine, a character Dan is writing about this month. I didn’t do any pre-sketches — this exercise is meant to be done ‘cold’ — so it’s ended up looking hideous. Blaaaaarh, still can’t handle line weights. Oh well, practice practice.

PS I need more fuel. Have a couple of ideas for the other two options Spyder gave me, but those will run out soon. Comment away, and let your imagination run wild.

garvan av.thumb

Sketched up Garvan the Lapine, a character Dan is writing about this month. I didn’t do any pre-sketches — this exercise is meant to be done ‘cold’ — so it’s ended up looking hideous. Blaaaaarh, still can’t handle line weights. Oh well, practice practice.

PS I need more fuel. Have a couple of ideas for the other two options Spyder gave me, but those will run out soon. Comment away, and let your imagination run wild.